

Love Burns

Callahan Clan Book 1

Can a man’s broken heart be mended more than once?

Charlie’s best friend disappeared after high school.  She thought she had made the right decision, but all she did was chase him away.

Louis always knew he and Charlie would part ways to go to college, but he hadn’t anticipated they would never speak again after that night senior year.

Following a minor accident 5 years later, Louis returns home and Charlie quickly realizes the boy that vanished resurfaces very much a man. 

The two friends reconnect and begin to let go of the years of resentment and anger.  But as they find themselves growing closer, Louis stumbles across a family secret. 

The urge to run away from the emotional trauma tugs at Louis again.

Can Charlie restore his faith in love in order to get him to stay?

Trigger warnings: Parental extramarital affair and tragic death of the fiancee of side a character discussed.

Butterfly Girl
Callahan Clan Book 2

Can two closed hearts open for each other?

Cameron Callahan has a big heart but has never attempted to give it to a woman before. He has a long history of casual encounters and harmless flirting. But when his sister and best friend fall in love, he begins to wonder if there is more to life than superficial relationships.

Alexis Armstrong had a painful childhood that left her without friends and no real family to speak of. But after working hard to dig herself out of the hole that was once her life, she managed to get an education and start a career that she loves. Protecting herself has always been her only priority, but perhaps there is room to care about others.

Cameron hopes he can convince Alexis that friends and family will enhance her life.

If he can allow himself to fall in love with her, surely she can let him into her heart, right?

Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence discussed.

Callahan Clan Book 3

What happens when the girl who can have any man she wants, falls for the one man who is unavailable?

Claudette Callahan has always been determined and driven. With her mind set on climbing the corporate ladder and an MBA in hand, she takes a summer off after school to work at a coffee shop before determining her next step in the business world.
However, one summer turned into one year, which eventually turned into five years.
So when the opportunity to open a new store in her hometown is handed to her, she happily embarks on the new adventure and reconnects with her twin siblings.

Travis Stephenson is a good friend of the Callahan twins and when introduced to their older sister, he finds himself admiring her grace and beauty. He soon discovers that they have a lot in common. They have so many similarities, yet one BIG difference. She wants to fall in love, and he is already in love with someone else.

It’s not a love triangle if the other woman is dead, is it?

Trigger Warning: Tragic death of the fiancee of a main character discussed.

Callahan Clan Book 4

I walked away from everyone I cared about years ago as a lost man. I needed to find myself, and I wasn’t going to be able to do that managing my family-owned store.

When I returned, I discovered things hadn’t turned out as I expected. I managed to forge a semblance of a life but still remained angry, guarded, resentful, and withdrawn.

I continued to be grumpy for a long time, but one woman learned how to see through my gruff exterior and relocate my heart amongst the fall out of despair and tragedy.

I’m not sure how she dug out my soul and infused life back into me, but I never wanted to let her go. I needed her like I was desperate for oxygen, and she was the only one who could force me to take another breath.

I knew she needed me too, but she was suffering from her own heartbreak and feelings of abandonment.

I had to find out a way to make her realize it was okay for us to lean on each other.

If she would just let me in, I would stay by her side forever

Trigger Warnings: Death due to cancer of a sibling and spouse/parent discussed.

Callahan Clan Book 5

Why won’t the puzzle pieces of her life fit together?

Darby is used to taking care of other people. As the oldest of her cousin pack, she has always looked out for the younger Callahans.

After college she follows in her mother’s footsteps and becomes a nurse—a seemingly perfect fit for someone who has the desire to take care of others.

Although she has known her purpose in life would be to help people, she has never been sure about finding love.

After several failed relationships, she wonders if finding her soul mate is in the cards for her.

Her parents and all of her aunts and uncles have found their other halves. And although she is uncertain if she will find that for herself, she won’t settle for less either.

When she meets Nox, a visitor from out of town looking at a potential job, she develops an instant connection and wonders if she hasn’t met the first man to steal her heart.

Nox seems like the perfect man for her until his past clashes with the most important aspect of her life. When faced with the decision of choosing between the man she loves and her convictions, she is doubtful either choice will make her happy.

Because life is messy and love is sticky.

Trigger Warnings: Loss of virginity (not rape),  death of a grandparent and uncle , and parent abandonment discussed.

I was always organized, driven, and responsible. I liked lists and effective time management. Yet, somehow, even with careful planning, I managed to find myself married right out of college with a kid on the way, and that was just the start of my downward spiral.

Tragedy left my life in shambles, and I quickly transitioned from the caretaker to the one who needed to be cared for. My little sister took on that task in stride and managed things more effectively than I would have originally thought.

She even managed to fall in love during my crisis. She was living her best life, while I didn’t feel like I was living much at all.

I was damaged emotionally and physically, trying to find my old self and regain control of my life. My loss of independence took a toll on me. However, my reliance on others introduced me to another tortured soul.

Unfortunately, I pushed him away. Love was risky. It had already left me with a shattered heart and broken bones, and I wasn’t willing to take that kind of chance again.

Letting down the wall I’d erected to protect myself was not worth the risk. My fragile heart couldn’t take another beating, so I fought against love.

But would I really lose if love won?

Trigger Warnings: Death of a spouse and traumatic injury discussed.

I always thought I would end up married to my best friend, Maxine.

Although I was happy to leave our platonic relationship behind, she wasn’t ready to make that leap.

There really was no rush because we made a pact long ago to get married if we were both single by our thirtieth birthdays.

So to kill the time between now and then, we both dated other people.

I figured either we would both be single when we turned thirty or if I wasn’t meant to be with Maxine, I would meet my real soulmate.

To my surprise, I met Daisey. And for the first time in my life, I could see myself sharing a life with someone other than my best friend.

However, a small roadblock stood in my way, causing both women to become unattainable. I wanted one I couldn’t have, and one wanted me that was off limits.

Caught in a love triangle was never where I imagined I’d be, forcing me to make a life altering choice. I was sure to lose them both if I didn’t make the right decision.

Maybe that’s what destiny had planned for me.

Perhaps both halves of my heart would always be split apart, leaving me alone and desolate.

Is it possible to have two soulmates?

Trigger Warning: Death of parents of main characters discussed.

Fresh out of college, Paisley is just getting started in her new career as an emergency room nurse. Her brother thinks she needs to have more of a social life, but she is barely able to manage learning everything she can for her job and adjusting to night shift. When a beautiful, tattooed man who works the same schedule captures her attention, working crazy hours becomes a lot more bearable.

Tobias has preferred to keep people at arm’s length his whole life. He doesn’t let anyone get close to him and will use whatever tactic necessary to avoid relationships. His grumpy exterior typically forces people to maintain their distance, but Paisley chisels away at his stone wall and begins to get him to open up.

Paisley’s plan to break through the concrete barricade surrounding Tobias’s heart is derailed when her intentions are questioned. She hadn’t planned to put her own heart on the line in the process. He was only meant to be a distraction project, and when she falls in love with him, feelings get hurt on both sides.

Will they be able to move beyond his tortured past and her present mistake?

Trigger warnings: Drug addiction of a parent, repeated foster care placements, child bullying, emotional trauma, and death of a parent of side character discussed.

Fletcher Hart was my best friend in elementary school.
He was my only friend in middle school.
And he was my boyfriend in high school.

We had plans to attend college together and, eventually, get married.
But our future took a detour.
Leaving our dreams shattered.

Everyone knew our story.
But no one knew the real reason our relationship unraveled.
Now, after obtaining my degree, I’m back home, trying to figure out what to do with my life.

Except home isn’t what I remember.

Fletcher’s no longer the sweet boy I once loved.
And I’m no longer the innocent girl he used to know.
Since the universe wants to keep reminding me of what I lost, I have no choice but to face the consequences of my decision.

Maybe he’ll forgive me.
Maybe he won’t.
I’m not even sure if I can forgive myself.